Te Kākano
This thirteen-part serial has been designed for beginner and intermediate learners to develop listening comprehension skills. The serial has an urban setting and uses everyday language. Episodes are based on themes from the textbook Te Kākano. The drama serial and related activities have been designed to complement the textbook, study guide, CDs and podcasts of Te Whanake 1 TeKākano. Ideally, learners who already have some knowledge of the language will gain the most from watching each episode of the serial. If you have already studied the first few chapters, or even all of the book, Te Whanake 1 Te Kākano, you will benefit from working in sequence through the activities designed around each episode of the Te Kākano serial, and from watching the grammar and vocabulary teaching points discussed by the presenters. There are also interesting discussions about aspects of Māori culture.
Kua mahia ngā whakaaturanga o tēnei hōtaka mā ngā ākonga kātahi anō ka tīmata ki te ako i te reo hei whakapakari i ngā pūkenga whakarongo. Kei te tāone te horopaki o ngā wāhanga o te pūrākau, ā, he reo ōpaki te āhua o te reo. E hāngai ana ngā kōrero me ngā whakamārama ki te pukapuka matua, ki te pukapuka tātaki, ki ngā kōpae me ngā rokiroki o Te Whanake 1 Te Kākano. Ka whai hua te mātakitaki i ngā wāhanga o te pūrākau mehemea kua mōhio kē te akonga ki ētahi āhuatanga o te reo Māori. He kōrero anō kei ia whakaaturanga mō ētahi āhuatanga o te reo me ētahi tikanga Māori.
Te Kai a Te Rangatira
This thirteen-part serial has been designed for intermediate and more advanced learners to develop listening comprehension skills. It is a serial about a city restaurant run by the whānau that own the restaurant land as the result of a land claim. The emphasis is on modern colloquial Māori. The story centres on themes that come from the textbook, study guide, CDs and podcasts of Te Whanake 2 Te Pihinga. If you have completed most or all of this textbook and accompanying resources you will enjoy and benefit from watching and listening to each episode of Te Kai a Te Rangatira and completing the related activities. There are also interesting discussions in Māori about aspects of Māori culture.
Kua mahia ngā whakaaturanga o tēnei hōtaka mā ngā ākonga e āhua mōhio kē ki te reo hei whakapakari i ngā pūkenga whakarongo. Kei te wharekai o tētahi whānau te horopaki o ngā wāhanga o te pūrākau, ā, he reo ōpaki anō hoki te āhua o te reo. E hāngai ana ngā kōrero me ngā whakamārama ki te pukapuka matua, ki te pukapuka tātaki, ki ngā kōpae me ngā rokiroki o Te Whanake 2 Te Pihinga. Ka whai hua te mātakitaki i ngā wāhanga o te pūrākau mehemea kua oti kē te nuinga o ngā mahi me ngā kōrero o aua rauemi. He kōrero anō i roto i te reo Māori kei ia whakaaturanga mō ētahi tikanga Māori.
The languages of the website
Like other Te Whanake websites, this website can be viewed in English or Māori. To view the website in the other language, click on the top right-hand diagonal band.
Notice that along the top menu there is a dictionary link. This will give you quick access to Te Aka, the online dictionary that includes an index to the topics and grammar explanations of the Te Whanake books.
Ngā reo o te paetukutuku nei.
He ōrite tēnei paetukutuku ki ētahi atu o Te Whanake, arā ka taea te reo Māori, te reo Pākehā rānei te whiriwhiri hei reo mō ia whārangi. Ki te hiahiatia tētahi reo, me pāwhiri te kupu o te reo kei te kokonga o runga i te taha katau o ngā whārangi nei.
Kia mōhio mai, he hononga ki te papakupu kei runga o ngā whārangi nei. Mā tēnei ka tere te uru atu ki Te Aka, te papakupu kei te ipurangi tae atu hoki ki ngā kupu tohu ki ngā kaupapa me ngā whakamārama wetereo o ngā pukapuka o Te Whanake.